Cosmic flower crosses the galaxy in flames,

ending abruptly,

never ending.


Verlune is an emerging interdisciplinary visual artist. Her works so far include; oils on wood, oils on textiles, oils on laminated canvas, paint on glass and sculpture. Also, all of her paintings’ frames are uniquely handmade and hand-carved.

Verlune is an autodidactic and intuitive artist. Her creative process is free, not restrained by any formal methods or techniques. Additionally, she uses recycled materials, meaning no two pieces are identical in shape, size, or texture.

Art was always an essential part of her life, but she only began to avidly paint in her mid-to-late twenties as a way to overcome trauma and prolonged bouts of depression. Verlune considers creation as a state that perpetually alternates between catharsis, torment and peace. It is incredibly healing but also demanding, requiring obsessive attention. Verlune’s artworks develop organically over prolonged periods of time, generally years. Verlune creates her works subconsciously, letting colors and motifs emerge slowly. Reflection and automatism are equally important to her process.

Verlune’s art is inspired by her life experiences. Verlune has traveled and lived all across Canada. She has also traveled abroad and intends to continue to explore the world throughout her life. The landscapes, peoples and perspectives she has encountered have had a profound impact on her work. Often her artwork symbolically represents subjects of great significance to her — such as; womanhood, spirituality, the state of ecology worldwide and a saddening lack of true reconciliation and pride for indigenous communities in her country and abroad.

Verlune’s art is also influenced by her health. Verlune suffers from chronic auto-immune disorders which have affected her life in numerous ways. These are lifelong conditions which affect her mobility periodically. She is accustomed to prolonged episodes of pain and general discomfort. Verlune believes living with pain has made her a more reflective and empathetic person. Through bouts of escapism and isolation, her consciousness has expanded. This is perceptible in the ever-present psychedelic undertones of her work.

Verlune is an engaged humanitarian. Volunteering is a significant part of her life and lifestyle. Verlune actively donates half of the earnings of any artwork sold to an ethical non-profit organization and engages to volunteer with them if possible. Presently, Verlune volunteers at her local soup kitchen and food bank, and is listed with World Central Kitchen. Verlune is willing to consider any organizations buyers would like her to work with. “Art is profoundly solitary, marginal and self-involved,” she says, “and I need to hold unto my link with everything somehow. Giving freely and happily to others isn’t selfless either — it keeps me connected to the simple, essential things of life. For me, that’s a necessary balance.”